
João Sevilhano

Strategy & Innovation

He soon discovered his taste and curiosity for words. He has spent some time of his childhood reading Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira. He was a federated athlete for 15 years and he played volleyball.

He graduated in Applied Psychology and, since then, he has maintained his clinical activity, remaining close to psychoanalysis. He was a partner-candidate of the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society. He is a member of the Portuguese Psychologists Association and he holds a specialist degree in Work, Social and Organizational Psychology, with an advanced specialty in Psychological Coaching.

He lived for a year and a half in a department of people of a large Portuguese company and, after that experience, he has dedicated himself to the creation and facilitation of learning contexts. First in the EEC (Escola Europeia de Coaching - European School of Coaching), where he was the Pedagogical Director and Managing Partner, and now in Way Beyond. He is a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation.

He frequently collaborates with academic institutions where he tries to make "psychology for non-psychologists" accessible. He visits, among others, Porto Business School and NOVA Doctoral School.

He writes regularly, another of his passions, about everyday topics, looking for new angles and depth in banal situations.

He is one of the managing partners and co-founder of Way Beyond, where he is also responsible for Strategy and Innovation.

LinkedIn - Personal Page - Read the writings