Sara Quina

Sara Quina

Culture & Innovation

It is in simplicity that she finds her full way of being. Dynamic and resilient, she seeks to give her best to each new challenge that life throws at her. And because she likes to go deeper, both into herself and others, she trusts that the daily practice of curiosity is the ideal way to get in touch with different and valuable perspectives.

Interested in human and environmental causes, she graduated in graphic design to quickly discover, through more than 7 years dedicated to various teams and projects in a large consulting firm, that her natural talent lies in the intersection between communication, innovation and people.

With a caring and ambitious nature, she is not satisfied with ready-made answers and uses her creativity and empathy to reflect and, very often, create the purpose behind the people and situations that appear and happen to her.

On the personal dimension, it is to the family that she is fully dedicated so that, focusing on the essential, she can improve as a mother and a woman, in the dual sense of the word.

At Way Beyond, she is responsible for the areas of Culture and Innovation.
