Contributing to others learning is much more than teaching.


Etymologically, facere (to do) and facilis (easy to do), in Latin, are the origin of the word "facilitation". A facilitator is not expected to lead or to guide the group, nor to distract or entertain it. However, from our perspective, facilitation can be a particular form of leadership; a way of leading that collects, brings together and enhances the collective intelligence that results from the diversity of the people who constitute a group or a team.

Way to Lead - The Art of Facilitation is a Program in which we invite our participants to explore different ways of being and doing, of relating to others, to projects and to tasks.


The program

This is a program in which context we experience the practice of facilitation: a set of processes aimed at achieving common objectives through means that promote participation, accountability and creativity.

To this end, we ensure, by making use of a dedicated and conscientious design, that, on the one hand, each individual gets the most out of a learning experience and, on the other, that the facilitator learns how to deal with each individual and with the group, thus contributing to the quality of everyone's experience.



In the face-to-face or hybrid format, five days (2 + 1 + 2), spread over 3 or 4 weeks; in this way there is time to incorporate learning, through practical experience and reflection, the pillars of experiential learning.

In the online format there will be 10 sessions of 4h, spread over 4 weeks.

In all the formats, there will be 40h of face-to-face learning and an estimated 16h of autonomous work with mentoring from the Way Beyond team.


A minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 people.

In this way we ensure the close accompaniment of each participant and each group, while creating the conditions for diversity to take root and reveal itself.


With the assumption that learning is an individual process that can take place isolated or in group, participants will join pairs or trios oriented to design and to facilitate learning experiences in situations with peers and, if they so choose, with real participants.

Everyone involved, including the Way Beyond facilitators, will offer feedback.


We were inspired by the idea of "matriosca": the program is itself a facilitation experience in which participants are invited to design from scratch and to facilitate an experience, which can be sold, literally, to the public.


For whom it is intended

Leaders of all kinds

People with leadership responsibility (leaders with recognized experience and newly appointed leaders; all leaders, without exception, can benefit).

Teachers, trainers, pedagogues

People whose activity involves the dynamisation of groups and teams.

Designers, strategists, hosts

People who organize activities and learning experiences in which the participants are the protagonists.

Curious and interested people

People who want to learn how to learn; who want to know and put into practice models and strategies and train themselves to create contexts in which others can do the same, through their example.

"What I liked most was the working method. Everything happened very lightly, without compromising the depth of the reflections, the reception of the participants' doubts and the sharing of the contents. From my point of view, it is an experience that enhances learning and in which the performance of the facilitators + contents + experience of the participants produce great results."

- Testimony from a participant in a facilitation program for a Way Beyond client.

Why we designed it

We also believe that facilitation is a form of leadership. And that leading is a practical wisdom resulting from a combination of qualities, attitudes, and behaviors that are developed, in practice, from the place of the other. A task which is less easy than it seems to be.

Facilitation implies a relationship with diversity and difference, which in themselves are great sources of richness.

We were intrigued by the question "how to design a facilitation experience that helps others to know how to facilitate?", we have designed this program also as a test for ourselves. The only possible answer will be found by sharing our "ways of doing and being". Our coherence and rationale will be assessed at every moment of this program, by each person and each group, in every edition.

To facilitate is to contribute to others learning how to learn, which, for us, is different from teaching.

What to expect

More than practical, this program is intended to be real and effective: each participant, as part of a team, will have to contribute to the design in the facilitation of a workshop which may be open to the public, if the group so wishes.

The Way to Lead - The Art of Facilitation is a highly practical program, supported by a solid theoretical foundation and 60 years of combined experience from our team. We want to share our experience, the approaches and models that have helped us perfect this art.

Specifically, on completion of the program, people will be able to:

  • (Re)know the mental models and guiding principles of facilitation practice;

  • Know how to lead by giving the lead to others (beyond delegation is accountability!);

  • Know how to design engaging and captivating learning experiences (meetings, workshops, gatherings, etc.);

  • Discover and create methods, techniques and tools to apply, adapt and develop;

  • To understand the importance of knowing how to be present and to work with rules and limits;

  • Develop creativity aiming to captivate and create memories in others;

  • Increase confidence so as to put the previous points into practice.

At the end of each program, each group may decide to open their learning experience to the public, which will be included in an Experimental Short Film Festival, inserted in Curtas: Learning Shots by Way Beyond. Our team will provide the necessary support in adjusting the design of the experience and attracting participants. Each element of each group that opts for this route receives a ticket for one of our Curtas.


Theoretical and practical context

Facilitation: art and process.

The place of facilitation in professional helping relationships (training, coaching, mentoring, counselling, etc.).

The foundations of experiential learning.

Beyond "breaking the ice": the importance of psychological security and creative confidence.

People and groups: individual behaviour in groups.

Facilitation models, methods, techniques and tools.

Skills and qualities

Facilitator preparation: the mental model of facilitation.

Availability > Possibility > Decision > Responsibility.

Empathy, Presence, Attention, Listening, Questions, Silence, Provocation and Challenge, Observation.


Training, real practice, feedback.

  • Payment and attendance do not guarantee the completion of the program. Completion of the program is subject to a process of assessment and validation of skills.

    We will work to earn your trust and interest and hope that the time spent with us will be of learning, usefulness and personal and professional evolution.


    LOCAL: To be announced by the Way Beyond team in each edition.

    TIMETABLE: 9am - 6pm (subject to confirmation)

    REGISTRATION: Registration form.

    How much does the programme cost?

    €300 registration fee + €1,500 frequency fee = 1,800 euros.

    The values are VAT free due to the fact that we are Accredited by DGERT.

    What are the conditions for formalising my registration?

    Your place will be guaranteed by the payment of the registration fee.

    How can I pay?


    The course must be fully paid (enrolment €300 + attendance €1500) at least 8 days before the course is initiated.

    Payment can be made by bank transfer .

    Types of Payment (applicable only to the attendance value):

    Cash: payment of the full amount of the course fees at least 8 days before the beginning of the course.

    Phased: you can phase in the payment of the frequency fee (€1500), in prior agreement with the WB and on condition that the total amount is paid before the end of the edition in which you are taking part.

    Multiple: for 2 or more students from the same company, or if another student enrols in the same edition through you, the frequency has a 5% discount per student (not cumulative with other discounts) which must be paid up to 8 days before the beginning of the respective edition.

    Is my registration transferable?

    We analyze these situations on a case-by-case basis.

    What is included?

    All materials: slides, worksheets, markers, manuals, etc...

    Coffee breaks.

    Support from the Way Beyond team for 2h per group, during the program, outside the time set for the sessions.

    Support from the Way Beyond team of 2h per group, if it is decided to move forward to the public launch of the experiment designed under the program.

    How can I contact Way Beyond if I have questions?

    Please contact us through our contact page in the menu of this website.

    Cancellations and withdrawals

    The registration fee is non-refundable unless the course is cancelled by Way Beyond;

    The student may transfer his/her registration to one of the two following editions upon payment of 50% of the attendance fee. This payment must respect the dates of the edition in which you initially enrolled.

    Regarding the frequency value:

    If you withdraw or cancel up to 2 weeks before the first day of the course, you will be required to pay 50% of the course fee (if payment has already been made in full, 50% will be refunded);

    In case of withdrawal or cancellation up to 1 week before the first day of the course, the student is required to pay 75% of the course fee (if already paid in full, 25% will be refunded);

    In case of withdrawal or cancellation less than 1 week from the first day of the course or during the course, the student is obliged to pay 100% of the course fee (in the case of having already paid in full, there is no right to a refund).


Way Beyond Coaching Class


Curtas: Learning Shots by Way Beyond