Short is the distance between the theory and the practice.

Those who know us know that what we most like doing is to talk and also that we believe knowledge is often the result of just that: good conversations!

We do not believe in the immediacy of learning, but we do believe that if shared, knowledge will reach further and more people!

"Curtas": Learning Shots by Way Beyond were born out of the wish to share our knowledge and to learn from yours.

What they are

"Curtas": Learning Shots by Way Beyond can be developed in both online and face-to-face environments.

Learning contexts will be created that are based, on the one hand, on solid theoretical assumptions and, on the other hand, on the experience and living of those assumptions, promoting practice, sharing, collaboration, co-construction.

We see "Curtas" (the Portuguese word for "shorts") as learning communities, collaborative networks for building collective knowledge and wisdom.

The assumptions

Keeping a secret about what we know does not make us richer, on the contrary.

Generating knowledge together creates trust and gives more meaning to what we are, know and do.

We are all part of the content team, so everyone's input is welcome.

Rehearsals are part of the preparation for a presentation and act as an engine of (re)discovery.

The theoretical foundation narrows the gap towards the practical application.

Simplicity is deeper than it seems to be.

"We would like participating in "Curtas" to be good; for everyone to discover new ways of seeing and approaching topics they already knew and to say that "Curtas" are simple, practical and profound.

We'd be thrilled that the Shorts help improve people's relationship with work and spark a desire to create learning communities beyond those 120 minutes. Anyway, we'd like them to say 'it was worth it'."

- Way Beyond Team - What we would like you to say about us

The format

Great topics served up in short sessions of intense learning.

Inspired by the idea of series.

Series on varied themes such as Listening, Trust, Work (beyond work), Communication.

They can be done online or in person.

Given their strong practical component, they are designed for groups with a minimum of 6 to 8 people.

Each series is made up of a set of 3 or 4 "Curtas", from which it is possible to choose to do all of them, some or just one.

Each "Curta" has a duration of 120 minutes.

At the end of a "Curta", each participant will become "Certified in ¨Curtas¨"; the completion of a Series will give him/her the status of "Diploma in Series".

Short Animation (Medium Quality).gif

As curtas

  • One "Curta" to learn how to listen in the age of "noise".

    The world is asking us to be better communicators, better storytellers, more influential and more effective sellers of ideas (and things). Just a few years ago, we created ways that allow everyone to be a content creator and to reach more people than imaginable, which is wonderful.

    In this world, where it is easier and easier to "talk", we claim others' time and attention, just as they do to us. And who shows us how we can listen?

    In this world where everyone is talking louder and louder, where is the space for listening? Is listening synonymous with interest and attention? What do we listen for?

    This "Curta" seeks to answer these and other questions and to explore ideas such as:

    • Listening aiming at editing

    • Listening to the listening itself

    • The contamination of listening

    • Listening to collaborate vs. listening to compete

    • How to identify and to act on the fundamental aspects of a good listening

    With João Sevilhano

  • One "Curta" to (get to) know (ourselves through) silence.

    Silence is often associated with emptiness, with nothingness. It is usually not associated with good conversations. It is disturbing to many. In fact, silence forces us to surrender to our own inner world. Curiously, or not, in the relationship with others, silence puts us in contact with internal worlds other than our own.

    Silence is the space of fantasy and imagination; of creation and rumination; of delight with thoughts and ideas and boredom; of solitude and company.

    "Silence is the language of the intimate", said the psychoanalyst João Seabra Diniz, quoting one of his patients, trying to convey the idea that intimacy with others is built through the capacity to be alone, in silence.

    A short film to talk about silence and silence; to experience what happens to us when we are silent and how we can use and interpret the different silences.

    With João Sevilhano

  • One "Curta" to ask ourselves what we are questioning ourselves for.

    Because there is no single definition of critical thinking, there would be many possible paths to this "Curta".

    In order not to end up in "no man's land" trying to walk these multiple paths, we choose to focus on what we are being, doing, thinking, feeling today to live better and to leave better things for future generations.

    What place does history - and stories - have in understanding the past, living the present and preparing the future? What do our beliefs and judgements make of us and how can experience, observation, facts help us to create arguments for a more informed choice of what is true and what is false? And what is true and false?

    The "Curta" 'Critical Thinking' seeks to explore these ideas by answering questions such as: how critical are we being in the choices we make, the questions we ask and those we leave behind?

    With Joana Marques

  • Para ajudar a tornar mais próxima, humana e impactante a forma como comunicamos online, tome este shot.

    From context to message, from plan to meaning, from light to sound, the time and the distance. That is what the 120 minutes of this "Curta" will be about.

    Everything contributes to creating impact and making the messages reach whom we want and getting the effect we want: the behavioral elements of presence (voice, rhythm, energy, posture, breathing), a good message, and the right use of media.

    This will be a "Curta" made with everyone's participation, meaning that participating people will be invited to actively participate, try it out, and see the result.

    Com Alice Medeiros

  • One "Curta" to know how to generate value through your values.

    The world of management is evolving with increasing uncertainty and complexity. Many years ago, following the industrial revolution, Management by Instructions was practiced. Years later came the era of Management by Objectives. In this more uncertain and complex world, Management by Values has its terrain par excellence. In this "Curta" we will focus on themes such as:

    • O que são valores

    • What they are used for

    • How to take Management by Values seriously

    • Why Values are a sustained competitive advantage

    • How to get to know and apply your values

    With Vítor Sevilhano

  • Temos mais temas “na calha”, que nos interessam e, esperamo, te interessem!

120 minutos do teu tempo podem ser um grande investimento.

The "Tickets"

Value of each "Certa" - 45€* (per participant)

*The value is exempt from VAT because we are accredited by DGERT.

Tailor-made "Curtas" "Festivals"

Concretizamos as nossas Curtas na tua organização, com estes e outros temas, desenhando percursos personalizados.


Way to Lead: The Art of Facilitation


Way to Speak in Public