
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Culture Way Beyond Joana Marques Culture Way Beyond Joana Marques

Table Talks

Our purpose was to share ideas, interests, doubts, curiosities with each other, in a moment created specifically for that purpose. At the same time, we contributed to the team members' continuous development in critical aspects for us (critical thinking; capacity to transform information into knowledge; conversation; integrating different points of view; among others).

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Culture Way Beyond Inês Serôdio Culture Way Beyond Inês Serôdio

Shall we dance?

way-beyond-work: this was the title of the email I sent to the team on the last day I "was with them" (contractually speaking and also in the channels and work platforms that helped us so much in the last months). From that day on, my presence in each of their lives and theirs in mine would officially remain beyond work, above all.

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Culture Way Beyond Joana Marques Culture Way Beyond Joana Marques

Like those who come home

"The entry of a new person into a team is usually a period of adjustments and finding new balances. What follows is not a "recipe for integrating people", but rather a possible contribution to this exercise that is less simple than it seems."

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Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

Are we ready to be Way Beyond?

The original, somewhat crazy idea came about in a team conversation addressing the strategy and purpose of Way Beyond. To challenge our own paradigms regarding 'work', we could reach a plateau where we would set aside one month a year where we would not work 'out'. Work for clients would be suspended during that period.

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