
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas Joana Marques Ideas Joana Marques

Whoever comes for good is welcome

How do you integrate new people in a team that already exists? Or should we rather ask: how do we make new people feel "at home" in a house that already has other people (and furniture, pictures, lamps in the right place?).

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Way Beyond Way Beyond

Podcast: LET'S SCALE! Bridgewhat - Way Beyond

Ângela Marçal and João Sevilhano talked with Ana Paula Reis and Paulo Morgado from BridgeWhat, where Way Beyond is participant. Listen and get to know better Way Beyond's history, positioning, strategy and purpose

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

By the way of purpose

The obsession with the search for ultimate meaning, if everything one does is aligned with a predefined or desired purpose where will the space and time for experimentation reside? And for novelty? And the space for not knowing what the outcome will be?

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