
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Suficientemente bons: desafiando a tirania da excelência

A obsessão pela excelência está a tornar-nos menos excelentes. Ao perseguirmos incessantemente a perfeição, perdemos de vista o que realmente importa: a capacidade de aprender, crescer e contribuir de forma significativa para o mundo. E se, em vez de tentarmos ser perfeitos, nos focássemos em ser 'suficientemente bons'?

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Da demonização do tédio e do ócio à sacralização do entretenimento e da produtividade

Numa sociedade obcecada com a produtividade, será que sabemos realmente parar? As férias tornaram-se numa maratona de actividades e partilhas nas redes sociais. Parece que temos de provar ao mundo (e a nós próprios) que estamos a aproveitar o nosso tempo livre. Mas estaremos realmente a viver, ou apenas a desempenhar uma versão hiperactiva do descanso? E se, em vez de procurarmos novas fórmulas para viver, questionássemos a própria necessidade de fórmulas?

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

On the Beauty of Distraction

Some distractions are meaningful and productive, just as certain objects hardly deserve the attention we give them. Perhaps you’re envy-scrolling on Instagram when you hear a strange chirp overhead and find yourself marveling at the sight of a violet-backed starling. In that instant, a negative attention transforms into a beautiful distraction.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Planear é adivinhar

A intuição e as capacidades de dedução e de inferência são falíveis. Por outro lado, são precisamente estas características que nos permitem avançar, criar e imaginar cenários futuros que, ora nos assustam, ora nos inspiram e entusiasmam.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Sobre o valor da conversa

Quanto vale uma conversa? E quanto custa? As expressões “as boas conversas não têm preço” ou “as conversas têm valor incalculável” podem bem enquadrar-se no conceito de profundidadezinha do filósofo Daniel Dennett. Aprofundemos.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Seeing clearly hurts, that's why you see cloudily

Self-help is always an invitation to submit one's own thinking, critical thinking, to the thinking and experience of another. Critical thinking is the exercise of questioning one's own thinking. Only after that should you even think about directing your attention to someone else's thinking.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

A perspective on sustainability

It is convenient to close or at least half-closed our eyes to the problems that exist around us and our own contribution. Sometimes it is good not to see reality clearly, lest it make us depressed or give us even more work.

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Ideas, Culture Way Beyond Sara Quina Ideas, Culture Way Beyond Sara Quina

I just got here

I realize and recognize that there is a before and after I joined Way Beyond. What was left behind I remember as a climb to a mountain peak. The hard trial of life in which, in order to become great, in our eyes, we so often feel small. What came after is like a dip in the ocean.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

The (sad) story of the chatbot who knows me better than my mother

Machines have already freed us from many heavy jobs and make our lives easier in so many others. How much better is our life? What have we done with this (supposed) evolution? We have created new problems instead of solving other important and avoidable problems. What problems are we neglecting as the myopia caused by our dazzle worsens?

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Guesses unlikely to come true

Let's solve the "workload" problem; more conversations and fewer meetings; let's take an organic and not a mechanical/mathematical perspective of growth; let's educate middle management; let's define and defend causes instead of purposes; let's cut the crap.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

No, this is not normal

Everyone suddenly has something special to say about important matters, and what there is to say must be said in a hurry to get there first. Haste is the enemy of listening, observation, introspection and reflection, which are the ingredients of thoughtfulness, wisdom and consideration. Good conversations are also made without haste.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

The sales people

The sold are the ones unable to see the falseness of their absolute and indelible truths. They are the ones blinded by the need, which has become belief, to always be right. These are the ones who accumulate truths without ever surrendering to the possibility of being wrong.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

No common sense, no consensus

About this world of ours today, which is evidently not taking the best course, because of us above all, it is easy to argue that both common sense and consensus are lacking. Nevertheless, neither concept will lead us to better paths. Both the cause and the solution may lie in common sense.

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