
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Sobre o valor da conversa

Quanto vale uma conversa? E quanto custa? As expressões “as boas conversas não têm preço” ou “as conversas têm valor incalculável” podem bem enquadrar-se no conceito de profundidadezinha do filósofo Daniel Dennett. Aprofundemos.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

"Call a spade a spade - Part 2: From banalities to barbarities

It pains me more and more to live in a world that values the magnetism of those who enchant through their ideological mediocrity, without any respect for truth. The same world where status, often gained by who knows how, lights the way to high-profile stages. Too bad it does not illuminate in the same way the path that goes beyond a sensationalist superficiality.

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