Where, When and How I Want It!

João Pico read this article on curiosity and became curious. To the point of having invited João Sevilhano, without knowing him, for a conversation that would be available on his YouTube channel, whose title gives its name to this article. Without knowing the channel, its creator and the scope or purpose of the conversation, our João readily accepted.

What did Joões talk about? You will have to watch the video or, at least, read the description that João Pico wrote.

A conversation about the importance of the new digital paradigm in society and the changes that lie ahead with this new world. It addresses topics such as the past and future of the internet, media, education, journalism and society. We talk about technology and people. The main pillars of our society are undermined by the paradigms of the past. The digital transformation is taking place in almost all sectors and brings with it the digital literacy/illiteracy dichotomy, creating an interpersonal and intersocial imbalance. We live in a world that needs information, knowledge and people who know how to search, filter and combine it. The role of the media in digital transformation is fundamental. The constant evolution of digitalisation has transformed the way we communicate. Gradually, Streaming replaces Linear Television, Online Podcast replaces Traditional Radio, and Online Platforms and Social Networks replace Paper Newspapers. Are the traditional media keeping up with the digital evolution? Is the mindset the same as it was 30 years ago? Should the media try to adapt to the new realities? We live in a world where, increasingly, the consumer does not want to be told what to watch or what to consume. But rather, they want to participate in the discussion and have the power of choice. The way traditional media are affected implies the way journalism is done. People stop buying newspapers and refuse to pay to read a news story online. The phenomenon of fake news and clickbait has exploded and the urgency to educate consumers to question the information they consume increases. Education is out of step with the speed of change. Education in Portugal does not keep up with the needs of the digital future. Students continue to learn the same, with more demands. In higher education, education is still very academic and out of step with the labour market. Either you are born in the new era with techno-digital intuition, or we have the teacher that doesn't know how to put the powerpoint in full screen and increase the sound of the video. Sensitive, delicate and crisis situations, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, resent this digital illiteracy. Solutions such as teleworking and telelearning have highlighted the lack of preparation, knowledge, and sometimes access to tools. Education is directly reflected in democracy, which has been repeatedly called into question. The weak education for citizenship and general training does not stimulate basic skills and is limited by the paradigms of the past, also making the people's choices limited. Freedom exists in conditions conducive to its limitation. Digital transformation has made it easier to spread fake news. The speed with which information is transmitted and distributed is surreal. And, contrary to what one might think the receiver does not question what he reads. Consigning a direct threat to democracy. In the international context, the elections in the USA and Brazil, concerning candidates Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, respectively, were the subject of great controversy due to the dissemination of fake news decisive for the results. Not discussing the political scope, it makes one question the state of global democracy. The digital monopoly GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple) is another big system. They hold the totality of digital power in their hands. If Amazon and Apple get much of their revenue by selling products and services, Google and Facebook get it by intercepting user data and advertising deals. Finally, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms. A mathematical formula is inserted into a system with the ability to develop intelligence as it collects data. Films about the technological future have been produced since the last century. This eagerness and curiosity about the unknown has always been a characteristic of humans. Where are we heading and where do we want to head? Utopia? Dystopia? Or...?

Also available in audio format on the podcast on Spotify


Stay inside the box and know your comfort zone well


No stopping the wind