
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Interview, Video Way Beyond Interview, Video Way Beyond

Where, When and How I Want It!

João Pico read this article on curiosity and became curious. To the point of having invited João Sevilhano, without knowing him, for a conversation that would be available on his YouTube channel, whose title gives name to this article.

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Interview, Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Interview, Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

No stopping the wind

On March 30, 2021 we fulfilled a desire we had had for a long time: to talk with José Afonso about José Afonso. Firstly because he is our friend, then because he is our colleague and partner at Way Beyond and, above all, because, as João Sevilhano wrote the other day, "he is one of the most correct and wise people with whom we have had and still have the pleasure of learning and working".

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Way Beyond Culture, Interview Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture, Interview Way Beyond

The Way Beyond Coaching Class Experience - Advanced Level

On 2 June 2020, we finished Way Beyond Coaching Class 1, the first edition of our Coaching Programme, entirely designed by us after 11 years of delivering a programme in partnership.

We wanted to have the testimonies of those who participated and ask them to write an article to 5 pairs of hands. But on second thought, it seemed more fun and more dynamic to get together (virtually) to chat which, after all, is what we most like to do!

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Interview João Sevilhano Interview João Sevilhano

Idleness, in the original meaning of the term, is not to stand still: João Sevilhano interviewed by Leiria Económica

Idleness, in the original meaning of the term, is not just standing still". In a world of accelerating change, entrepreneurs are required to have an increasingly wide range of characteristics in order to "steady the ship". And even more to bring it to a good port. João Sevilhano sets out the obstacles and challenges inherent in this mission.

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