
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas Joana Marques Ideas Joana Marques

If you don't know, why ask?

Isn't the time for questions precious? And the questions themselves? So precious that it should be a serious offence and we should lose points for every time we ask a question without knowing why we are asking it.

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Way Beyond Culture, Interview Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture, Interview Way Beyond

The Way Beyond Coaching Class Experience - Advanced Level

On 2 June 2020, we finished Way Beyond Coaching Class 1, the first edition of our Coaching Programme, entirely designed by us after 11 years of delivering a programme in partnership.

We wanted to have the testimonies of those who participated and ask them to write an article to 5 pairs of hands. But on second thought, it seemed more fun and more dynamic to get together (virtually) to chat which, after all, is what we most like to do!

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Learning to learn is the best thing that can be "taught".

Imagine you are in a room with a child. The room has a staircase. He doesn't know how to walk yet, he is learning. You hear a noise and your attention and gaze wander briefly away from the child. When you return to the room, you see that the child has managed to climb up to the fourth step of the stairs. What does he do?

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