
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Culture Way Beyond Ana Jaleco Culture Way Beyond Ana Jaleco

A place* called Way Beyond or What I walked to get here

At Way Beyond, among countless other gems, I realized the importance of awakening awareness and reflection on what we want and can change, invariably starting from the intention with which we do it. Above all, I relearned that, as in music, we must listen before speaking, controlling the impulse to strike a treble clef. Which is, as they say, the other.

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Ideas Joana Marques Ideas Joana Marques

If you don't know, why ask?

Isn't the time for questions precious? And the questions themselves? So precious that it should be a serious offence and we should lose points for every time we ask a question without knowing why we are asking it.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Silence! You will hear

Silence in the relationship with another gains another configuration, another complexity and, therefore, another richness. Listening is not only hearing and deciphering what one receives but, precisely because one deciphers, because one interprets, it implies simultaneously listening to oneself. Listening is therefore a two-way phenomenon with two meanings: it implies listening to the other and "listening to listening".

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

On listening

Someone with full hearing capabilities, in truth, cannot say that he is not able to listen. He can only say that he was not interested.

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Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

E2C Manifesto

We are a school, a company, a team and a community interested in uplifting people and organisations; we exist to help our clients live better lives and achieve their results by creating learning contexts. We believe that knowledge and know-how are not enough. Today, always, what makes the difference is knowing-being.

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