
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

Are we ready to be Way Beyond?

The original, somewhat crazy idea came about in a team conversation addressing the strategy and purpose of Way Beyond. To challenge our own paradigms regarding 'work', we could reach a plateau where we would set aside one month a year where we would not work 'out'. Work for clients would be suspended during that period.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Continuing to search for a new definition of "work"

Today, and apparently already in the 40s and 50s of the last century, this is how it was seen or, at least, foreseen: leisure moments only seem to have space and time to take place during work interruptions. Work and leisure, like water and oil, do not mix. Apparently for the same reasons: they are composed of "incompatible" substances.

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João Sevilhano João Sevilhano

Towards a new definition of work

In the modern world of work and society, we need to make room and respect time for leisure, in order to develop business; we need to embrace boredom, strengthening the muscle that resists the temptation to be permanently occupied or entertained; we need to recover the original notions of leisure and contemplation as the basis of human learning and development.

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Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

E2C Manifesto

We are a school, a company, a team and a community interested in uplifting people and organisations; we exist to help our clients live better lives and achieve their results by creating learning contexts. We believe that knowledge and know-how are not enough. Today, always, what makes the difference is knowing-being.

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