
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

By the way of purpose

The obsession with the search for ultimate meaning, if everything one does is aligned with a predefined or desired purpose where will the space and time for experimentation reside? And for novelty? And the space for not knowing what the outcome will be?

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

"Call a spade a spade - Part 2: From banalities to barbarities

It pains me more and more to live in a world that values the magnetism of those who enchant through their ideological mediocrity, without any respect for truth. The same world where status, often gained by who knows how, lights the way to high-profile stages. Too bad it does not illuminate in the same way the path that goes beyond a sensationalist superficiality.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

"Calling a spade a spade: the case of business jargon

I confess to being so saturated with corporate bullshit, especially that which is said in English, that every time I hear that someone needs help to develop their soft skills what I hear is that it will probably be someone who resorts to rudeness, lack of respect and lack of common sense as means to achieve their results.

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