
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

On time: scarcity and speed

It was imagined, or predicted, that we would work less and less and gain time for the pleasure of becoming better, wiser and more cultured. Idleness would no longer belong to the lazy and the fortunate, but would be available to all, or at least to many more. None of this happened.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

The time of wisdom

Before, when people wanted to become good, they were not as concerned with their skills (know-how) as they are today. They were concerned with their qualities or virtues (know-how). And, in an apparent paradox, the only way they could think of to achieve these virtues and qualities was through their consistent and constant application.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Lack of thinking

In this world in which we live, excited and entertained by technological and scientific advances, which constantly pushes us in the directions of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, happiness at all costs, permanent balance, forced creativity, etc., the space to think seems to be lacking.

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Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

E2C Manifesto

We are a school, a company, a team and a community interested in uplifting people and organisations; we exist to help our clients live better lives and achieve their results by creating learning contexts. We believe that knowledge and know-how are not enough. Today, always, what makes the difference is knowing-being.

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