
Ideas, Reflections and Speculations

Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Guesses unlikely to come true

Let's solve the "workload" problem; more conversations and fewer meetings; let's take an organic and not a mechanical/mathematical perspective of growth; let's educate middle management; let's define and defend causes instead of purposes; let's cut the crap.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

No, this is not normal

Everyone suddenly has something special to say about important matters, and what there is to say must be said in a hurry to get there first. Haste is the enemy of listening, observation, introspection and reflection, which are the ingredients of thoughtfulness, wisdom and consideration. Good conversations are also made without haste.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

On time: scarcity and speed

It was imagined, or predicted, that we would work less and less and gain time for the pleasure of becoming better, wiser and more cultured. Idleness would no longer belong to the lazy and the fortunate, but would be available to all, or at least to many more. None of this happened.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

"Call a spade a spade - Part 2: From banalities to barbarities

It pains me more and more to live in a world that values the magnetism of those who enchant through their ideological mediocrity, without any respect for truth. The same world where status, often gained by who knows how, lights the way to high-profile stages. Too bad it does not illuminate in the same way the path that goes beyond a sensationalist superficiality.

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Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond Culture Way Beyond Way Beyond

Are we ready to be Way Beyond?

The original, somewhat crazy idea came about in a team conversation addressing the strategy and purpose of Way Beyond. To challenge our own paradigms regarding 'work', we could reach a plateau where we would set aside one month a year where we would not work 'out'. Work for clients would be suspended during that period.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

The importance of the useless in the fight against stupidity

In the world of idiotic work, efficiency is not rewarded. Apparently more value is placed on things like ownership of other people's time and the power that comes with it. Therefore, a smart worker who has a minimal understanding of saving effort will not do his best. He will do just enough to give the idea that he is doing something useful with time that, after all, is not his own.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

Continuing to search for a new definition of "work"

Today, and apparently already in the 40s and 50s of the last century, this is how it was seen or, at least, foreseen: leisure moments only seem to have space and time to take place during work interruptions. Work and leisure, like water and oil, do not mix. Apparently for the same reasons: they are composed of "incompatible" substances.

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Ideas João Sevilhano Ideas João Sevilhano

"Calling a spade a spade: the case of business jargon

I confess to being so saturated with corporate bullshit, especially that which is said in English, that every time I hear that someone needs help to develop their soft skills what I hear is that it will probably be someone who resorts to rudeness, lack of respect and lack of common sense as means to achieve their results.

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João Sevilhano João Sevilhano

Towards a new definition of work

In the modern world of work and society, we need to make room and respect time for leisure, in order to develop business; we need to embrace boredom, strengthening the muscle that resists the temptation to be permanently occupied or entertained; we need to recover the original notions of leisure and contemplation as the basis of human learning and development.

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Interview João Sevilhano Interview João Sevilhano

Idleness, in the original meaning of the term, is not to stand still: João Sevilhano interviewed by Leiria Económica

Idleness, in the original meaning of the term, is not just standing still". In a world of accelerating change, entrepreneurs are required to have an increasingly wide range of characteristics in order to "steady the ship". And even more to bring it to a good port. João Sevilhano sets out the obstacles and challenges inherent in this mission.

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